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八月十五日英语?8月15日用英语表示:August 15th。单词详解:1、August 英 [ˈɔ:gəst] 美 ['ɔɡəst]adj. 尊严的,威严的,令人敬畏的; 威风凛凛的; 堂堂的,雄赳赳的。那么,八月十五日英语?一起来了解一下吧。




August 15th


1. Seven months later, On August 15,1914 , the canal was opened to the commerce of the world.

七个月以后, 1914年8月15日, 该运河向世界商业开放.

2. Last year four ministers visited the Shinto shrine on August 15.


3. The remaining two directors may have ended in August 15,2008 announcement.


4. The accrual that generation stocks after August 15 just is 5 %.


5. Asian Business Report . Narr. Ress Jones . Prod . John Hawke . PBS . WEFT, New York . 15 August 1990.

《亚洲的生意报告》, 雷司钟斯 导演,约翰哈华制作,(美国)公共广播社, WEFT, 纽约,1990年8月15日.

6. With regard to the transaction, the company previously disclosed only in August 15,2008 semi - annual report released.

关于该宗交易, 公司此前仅有的披露见于2008年8月15日发布的半年报.

7. The research result was approved by the Ministry of Communications on Aug. 15 th, 1999.


8. Expiry date 15 th August, 1977 in the country of the beneficiary unless otherwise.

除非另有规定, (本证)于1977年8月15日受益人国家满期.

9. Qui , J'ai particip é à l'TEF le 15 ao & ucirc; t 2003 . Mon r é sultat é tait 227.

答:我在2003年8月15日参加了tef考试, 我的考试分数是227分.

10. We have received your letter reminding us that our payment is overdue on August 15.


11. Class A accident of airliner An - 24 occurred during take - off on August 15, 1989 in Hongqiao Aerodrome, Shanghai.

1989年8月15日上海虹桥机场, 一架安-24型客机在起飞侍芹时发生一等事故, 机上40人中,32人现场遇难.

12. Another special event will take place during the night of August fifteenth.


13. Mid - autumn fall on the fifteenth day of the August, chinese calendar.

中秋节 是农历8月15日.

14. Date: August 15 - 17, 2009.

时间: 2009年8月15至17日.


Every year lunar calendar in August 15 is Mid-autumn Festival,at this time the people always eat the moon cake,to enjoy looking at the moon,the family member reunite,because that day moon is roundest.There are also many wonderful stories about midautumn festival,I am looking forward to enjoy the festival.



Mid-Autumn Day,all the country is celebrating. The streets are full of people, the loves are holding each other tightily.Everyone has his day.However,I am lonely.No one to hold,no one to kiss,no ont to talk!

I was walking around the street without purpose,seeing the lovers kissing,watching the fireworkes alone,walking backe room whist.

Suddenly,i think i must be good to myself.So i decied to bue a present to myself.I know I will be good soon,and will find my Mr.Right.So tonight, a little teddy bear will sleep with me.And i know:i will have another teddy bear as a present that not bought from myself!!!


The Mid-Autumn festival is our traditional festival in the lunar calendar August 15, is China's second largest after Spring Festival traditional festival.

August 15 just in the middle of the autumn, the so called Mid-Autumn festival. According to the record of history, the word "Mid-Autumn festival" first appeared in "rites". To the wei and jin dynasty, until the early years of the tang dynasty, Mid-Autumn festival became fixed festivals. The prevalence of Mid-Autumn festival began in song dynasty, to Ming and qing dynasties, along with New Year's day, to become one of the major festivals in China.

Mid-Autumn festival on this day, the moon in the sky is bright and special big special circle, so the day was looking at is a good day for the reunion, also was named the most human, a festival of poetry. Some people say that every festive holiday times. Mid-Autumn festival this missing, of course, could be more deeply, especially the moon hanging in the moment, don't forget, let the truth a greeting CARDS to the distance of your family and friends blessing reunion night, the moon is high. Therefore, also known as the August 15 for "the mid autumn festival". Through the ages, people often use "full moon", "the month lacks" to describe the "." Wandering away they, especially on deep feeling. The tang dynasty poet li bai's "look at the bright moon, bowed their heads and remembering home." Du fu's "from this white night, the month is like home." Song dynasty poet wang anshi "spring breeze has green river, south when the moon as I also." Such as poem, song is eternal.

Now the Mid-Autumn festival on this day, the people of the whole country can also enjoy a day of holiday, family reunion!



八月十五的英语:August 15th


读音:英['ɔːɡəst] 美['ɔːɡəst]




1、 22nd ofAugust.8月22号

2、在八月的周末On the weekend of August

3、In August.在8月份

4、the night of 13thAugust八月十三日夜晚


1、August was almost tropical this year.


2、We'll take our holiday sometime in August,I think.





如“十月一日”可以写成 October 1

October 1st

1st October

(the) 1st of October 等

表示月份的词也可用缩略式,如 Oct. 1, 1 Oct.

但是在口语中通常只有两种读法 October (the) first或the first of October。


八月十五号的英文翻译:August 15th.





八月十五号 August fifteenth.

如果是阴历八月十五拍御(要表达中秋节) Mid-Autumn festival

Mid-Autumn festival例句

1. Once more he smiled, remembering a certain Mid - Autumn Festival.

一想起那一年 中秋 佳节,他不禁漾出笑容.

2. The Mid Autumn Festival is drawing near.


3. Well, there are Dragon Boat Festival, Mid - autumn Festival , Chung Yeung Festival and so on.

嗯, 还有端午节 、 中秋节 、 重阳节等等.

4. Would you like to come over to my home for Mid - Autumn Festival ?

你愿意来我家过 中秋节 吗 ?

5. Interesting! So Mid - Autumn Festival is in the middle of Autumn?

真有趣. 那么 中秋节 便一定是发生在秋天中间 吧 ?

6. Mid - Autumn Festival , Chong Yang Festival and so on.

中秋节 、 重阳节等等.

7. Litterbugs dropped 159 tonnes of rubbish during last year's Mid - Autumn Festival.

垃圾虫在去年 中秋节 后遗下159公吨垃圾.

灶运8. One of the most simple: a happy Mid - Autumn Festival !

一句最朴实的话: 中秋 快乐!

9. I wish a happy Mid - Autumn Festival , one more round full moon!

祝 中秋节 快乐, 月圆人更圆!

10. The Mid - Autumn Festival has arrived. I already eaten a hundred Mood Cakes.

中秋节 快到了,我已经吃了快一百个饼了.


New Year's Day 元旦

Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) 春节

Labor Day 劳动节

Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

National Day 国庆节

International Women's Day 国际妇女节

Youth Day 青年节

Children's Day 六一儿童节

Army Day 建军节

Arbor Day 植树节

Labor Day 劳动节

Youth Day 青年节

Children's Day 六一儿童节

CPC Founding Day 建党节

Maritime Day 中国航海日

Army Day 建军节

Zhonghe Festival (Dragon Raising its Head) 中和节

Lantern Festival 元宵节

Qing Ming Festival(Chinese Memorial Day) 清明节

Double Seven Festival 七夕

Spirit Festival (Ghost Festival) 中元节

Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival) 中秋节

Double Ninth Festival 重阳节


中秋节的日期:the fifteenth day of the August.(八陆稿月十五日)








以上就是八月十五日英语的全部内容,8月15日 August 15th;15,August 注:August 英 [ˈɔ:gəst]美 ['ɔɡəst]adj. 尊严的,威严的,令人敬畏的; 威风凛凛的; 堂堂的,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

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